Thursday, May 19, 2022 by Ethan Huff
In response to the baby formula shortage that his regime created, Joe Biden has now invoked the Defense Production Act to nationalize America’s food supply and squarely place it under the control of his handlers.
Suppliers will now be required to direct their ingredients to “key manufacturers,” which will be tasked with boosting domestic production of baby formula (or so we are told).
“The Defense Production Act gives the president broad authority to require companies to prioritize the manufacture and allocation of goods in response to a crisis,” reports CNBC. “The law was passed in 1950 during the Korean War.”
Biden has also ordered both the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to use aircraft from the Department of Defense (DoD) to airdrop formula from overseas into the United States.
As we reported, grocery store and drug store shelves have been running dry amid an ongoing baby formula shortage that was engineered by the powers that be.
On top of an Abbott Nutrition plant shutdown in Michigan, the Biden regime has been sending all of America’s baby formula stocks to the southern border so they can be handed out to illegal alien “migrants.”
Many Americans have consequently been prevented from purchasing baby formula for their own families, which the Biden regime is now addressing by invoking a communist takeover of the country’s food supply.
The situation with Abbott is moving through the courts with an agreement recently forged between the company and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reopen the plant under certain federal conditions.
According to reports, those conditions include Abbott hiring independent “experts” to ensure the plant meets all of the FDA’s demands, which the media is calling “food safety standards.”
If given approval, Abbott would be able to reopen the plant within two weeks, followed by an additional eight-week delay for products to arrive at stores across the country.
“The U.S. produces 98% of the baby formula American parents buy. Four manufacturers – Abbott, Mead Johnson Nutrition, Nestle USA and Perrigo – dominate the market,” CNBC reports.
“When one plant goes offline, the supply chain is easily disrupted.”
Foreign baby formula is beginning to appear as the FDA is allowing non-American companies to file applications for acceptance into the country. The FDA gets to decide which ones are “safe” and, boom, those are the ones appearing on store shelves.
Some members of Congress are upset about this new little scheme, claiming that the FDA does not have enough inspectors to ensure imported formula is safe. In other words, the FDA “needs” more money.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Ct.), chair of the House Appropriations Committee, just introduced new legislation that would furnish the FDA with an additional $28 million in “emergency funding” to beef up inspections of foreign baby formula.
DeLauro insists that this large cash infusion is needed to “monitor the supply chain and root out fraud,” according to CNBC‘s assessment of her intent.
“Most formulas on the market I wouldn’t even touch with a 10-foot pole,” wrote a reader at Natural News about how baby formula should be a nursing mother’s last option when there are no others.
“They are actually toxic to infants and do not promote health.”
“Are we so ignorant in this day and age that we have forgotten about goat’s milk?” asked another, noting that goat’s milk is naturally homogenized and much easier for babies to digest than cow’s milk.
More of the latest news about the ongoing collapse and takeover of the food supply by deep state criminals can be found at FoodCollapse.com.
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Tagged Under: Tags: baby formula, big government, communism, conspiracy, crisis, deception, Defense Production Act, food collapse, food police, food rationing, food supply, grocery, hoax, hunger, Joe Biden, products, racket, scarcity, starvation, traitors, White House
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By Ethan Huff
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